Howto modify System File dates

Started by lamola, August 22, 2015, 06:05:50 AM

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Howto modify Filecreatedate, filemodifydate y fileaccessdate from -exif:CreateDate in exiftool command line?
I write:
exiftool -Filecreatedate<exif:CreateDate -Filemodifydate<exif:CreateDate -fileacessdate<exif:CreateDate image.jpg
And exiftool retun warning error.
======== exiftool
======== ./_image.jpg
    1 image files updated
    1 files weren't updated due to errors
Warning: Error opening file - exiftool
Error: File not found - exiftool
Warning: Sorry, fileaccessdate is not writable - ./_RGE3662.jpg


What is your operating system?

FileAccessDate is not writable (see Extra Tags) but on a Windows system it's set the same as FileModifyDate when you write that (not sure about other systems).  This really isn't a tag you should worry about setting because it will constantly change depending upon what the OS does with the file.

FileCreateDate is writable only on Windows, but see the Extra tag link above for workaround on OS X.

If you're on a windows system you'll need double quotes around the operations to avoid redirection.

Something else is happening here because it thinks "exiftool" is a file to operate on, which is why you get the "Warning: Error opening file - exiftool" and "Error: File not found - exiftool" errors.

Edit:  I got curious and apparently, on Windows, FileAccessDate will only be updated when the file is accessed by default on Win XP.  It is disabled by default on later versions, though it can be enabled through the registry or by entering a command on the  command line.
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).

Alan Clifford

QuoteWarning: Sorry, fileaccessdate is not writable - ./_RGE3662.jpg

Where did that file come from?  The file on the command line is image.jpg