Create a CSV file from the EXIFTOOL apllication

Started by Caradryan, April 27, 2016, 11:21:40 AM

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Good afternoon everyone,

i just started using Exiftool to figure out an problem in my engineering department, and it is a very usefull tool, thanks to his creator!

I have some trouble to create one single CSV's file from a specific folder which contains some photos.
i'm not usingExifTool throught the window command line but the application one (.exe), so when i write into the tittle of the .exe this command :
-csv -r C:\Users\gdeca_000\Desktop\EDF\test gps\TEST_VERSION_MACHINE > resultat.csv

i can not because doesn't allow a tittle to have a "<".

If somebody knows the solution or have hint to figure out this problem, i would be very grateful .



Hayo Baan

Try running exiftool from the command line instead of what you're now trying to do. That's how exiftool is meant to be operated ;)
Hayo Baan – Photography


Hello Hayo Baan,

Thanks for you help, i'm going to do it .


i finally succeed to obtain a file in CSV, thanks toyour help.

I have an another question: what is the (or is there) an option command to allow to write into the end of the CSV ? I mean i don't want to overwrite all the datas which are stocked in my CSV, everytime i do the command line to create a CSV, i would like to add the new data at the end of the file .

Hayo Baan

Instead of a single > use a double >>, that will append the output of the command to an existing file instead of overwriting it.

Hope this helps,
Hayo Baan – Photography