Delete MakerNotes on Windows or Mac

Started by RossTP, July 13, 2016, 04:04:23 AM

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I'm trying to delete makernotes on thousands of images. I've successfully managed to do this for minor errors using:

exiftool -r -makernotes:all= -overwrite_original -ext jpg .

However, thousands of images have a makernote warning (Bad ExifIFD offset), and when I try to delete the makernotes I get the following error:

Error: Bad ExifIFD offset for MakeNoteUnknown
0 image files updated
1 files weren't updated due to error

Is there any way to delete these makernotes? Or fix them in some way. Example image attached.

Thanks in advance!

Hayo Baan

Hi Ross, the sample image you uploaded was zero bytes so I couldn't test to see what can be done with it...
Hayo Baan – Photography


Sorry about that. Not sure why that happened. Attaching again.

Hayo Baan

Got the file and played with it a bit. It does indeed contain quite a severe error, so severe, exiftool can not ignore it, even with the -m option (see also FAQ#15). The only solution I saw was to have exiftool attempt to completely rewrite the metadata (FAQ#20). This worked but did not include the faulty makernotes, but these you wanted to remove anyway, so that's no problem :)

The command to use here is: exiftool -all= -tagsfromfile @ -all:all -unsafe -icc_profile FILE/DIR

Hope this helps,
Hayo Baan – Photography


Hi Hayo, thanks so much for this. It worked perfectly!