FLIR FFF format in JPG Exif Data

Started by alm865, September 29, 2016, 10:58:17 PM

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My first post here... so sorry if this has already been brought up.

Has anyone found the attached fff.h file yet from FLIR? It's part of FLIR's GEV Demo 1.9.0 source files that describes the FFF format in detail (download them from the FLIR Cust help portal, needs a free sign up to log in). Also if you have a dig around in thread.cpp (the TauSave function in particular) you'll see that the Tau variants (i.e. Vue Pro UAV version) save the RBFO values slightly differently to the handhelds.

The fff.h describes your missing tags below:

152 UnknownTemperature1? N

    float tmaxClip;               //!< Upper temp limit [K] over which the
                                  //!<   calibration becomes invalid

156 UnknownTemperature2? N

    float tminClip;               //!< Lower temp limit [K] under which the
                                  //!<   calibration becomes invalid

160 UnknownTemperature3? N

    float tmaxWarn;               //!< Upper temp limit [K] over which the
                                  //!<   calibration soon will become invalid

164 UnknownTemperature4? N

    float tminWarn;               //!< Lower temp limit [K] under which the
                                  //!<   calibration soon will become invalid

168 UnknownTemperature5? N

    float tmaxSaturated;          //!< Upper temp limit [K] over which pixels
                                  //!<   should be presented with overflow color

172 UnknownTemperature6? N

    float tminSaturated;          //!< Lower temp limit [K] for saturation
                                  //!<   (see also ADJUST_PAR_T:ipixOverflow).
                                  //!<   ipix over/under flow should be calculated
                                  //!<   by imgsrc from tmin/maxSaturated.
                                  //!<   LUT handler should look at ipix
                                  //!<   over/underflow.


Also the missing tags I was referring to are on this page:

Phil Harvey

Thanks.  I've added these.  The header file was known, but I haven't gone through it in detail (see this post).

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).