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Warning: Invalid date/time

Started by martint, October 17, 2016, 10:26:04 AM

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in windows if i use:

exiftool "-filecreatedate='%4.0f:%2.4f:%2.6f %2.9f:%2.11f:%2.13f'" -if "(not $timecreated & $filetype eq 'JPEG')" 20150817_203810.mp4

i get:

Warning: Invalid date/time (use YYYY:mm:dd HH:MM:SS[.ss][+/-HH:MM|Z]) in File:FileCreateDate (PrintConvInv)
Nothing to do.

however if i use to confirm the string i'm creating:

exiftool "-testname=%4.0f:%2.4f:%2.6f %2.9f:%2.11f:%2.13f" -if "(not $timecreated & $filetype eq 'JPEG')" 20150817_203810.mp4
'20150817_203810.mp4' --> '2015:08:17 20:38:10'
    0 image files updated
    1 image files unchanged

and if i use:

exiftool "-filecreatedate=2015:08:17 20:38:10" -if "(not $timecreated & $filetype eq 'JPEG')" 20150817_203810.mp4
    1 image files updated

so somehow i'm not able to take the string created and use that as a tag.  I'm assuming its a regular expression or tag formatting issue... Please save me?

Phil Harvey

The %d, %f, %e format codes are only valid where a file name is expected, so what you have done won't work.  It works with TestName because that tag expects a file name.

But luckily your file names are formatted such that, you can do what you want even more easily:

exiftool "-filecreatedate<filename" ...

But there are other problems with your command:

1. Are you sure you want to test "TimeCreated" in your -if statement?  Not "CreateDate"?

2. The "&" operator is a bitwise and.  I think you want the logical "and" operator instead.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).