"UFO" video

Started by Johan7777, April 15, 2017, 08:30:53 AM

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Hi there,

can anyone explain anomalies on this "UFO" video?

This was updated on Facebook site CE-5 about a week ago. Later I got a video raw file from a woman directly.

I noticed anomalies about the time, the length of the video and sea level data. I asked the lady for further information but got none. The question I have of course whether the video (and or metadata) is authentic.

Appreciate any your answer.

I tried to upload here, but didn't work so I am sending a link to DropBox where you can download the file:



The video was actually renamed, prior sending to me via email, that's why the time/date mismatch. Other than that, I can see no anomalies. Can you?

Hayo Baan

Well, other than the movie created ate and track create dates being oddly off (it was created before the tracks were shot???), there's not much one can tell from the metadata. Since we're simply looking at a bright spot in the sky, which can very lilkely be explained by various normal phenomena, I'd say the video is just that: a video someone took with their phone.
Hayo Baan – Photography
Web: www.hayobaan.nl


Hayo Baan,
thanks for your reply.

I didn't mean to discuss the blinking "UFO" in the sky, just the authenticity of the metadata - whether the video was tampered with or is it the ORIGINAL video AS SHOT with iPhone 6s.

I myself don't have iPhone 6s so I can't say for sure, but it looks to me, according to metadata, the dates are off, as you also notice, and I am only asking myself is it due to iPhone malfunction or was the video changed in any way. I thought metadata should be precise on that. I have seen other iPhone 6s videos with metadata and they had no such problem.


Phil Harvey

I took a look at the file and I can't say much since I don't have an original iPhone 6s video from the same version of iOS for comparison, but there is some metadata in the file that ExifTool isn't currently decoding, and which I haven't seen before.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Dear Phil,

thanks for looking at the video.

The lady came back saying she wiped off part of the audio from first video, I think it must have been done on iPhone itself as the GPS coordinates are still intact, as far as I understand it.

Here is another video she filmed three days later, "orb" over Pilgrim Nuclear Generating Station, near Plymouth, Mass. Maybe you want to take a quick look at it. I think this one is intact: https://www.dropbox.com/s/86daejszdzjs3mm/original%20Video%20Apr%2013%2C%208%2017%2024%20PM%20%281%29.mov?dl=0

I find metadata analysis fascinating, to say the least. UFO phenomena is something real, I know it from my own experience and the amount of rubbish on internet is just blocking what might be the biggest story in history. And the tools like ExifTool might just be a first step in helping seeing the truth.



And I have the original file of the first video now, if anyone wants to take a look at metadata. I think it is authentic.


Phil Harvey

The structure of the metadata in this file is the same as the other original you posted.  So it looks good to me.

(I compared the two using the exiftool -v2 option.)

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thanks Phil. My expert also tells me the videos are authentic. Cheers