Bug Report: XMP LensInfo/LensSpecification inconsistent with XMP LensModel/Lens

Started by busywait, January 15, 2017, 07:19:46 AM

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Maybe I'm just fishing calling this a bug, but there seems to be inconsistent behavior...

In the exiftool documenation for the XMP-exifEX group
the LensInfo Tag has a note: "called LensSpecification by the spec".

I assume that for the user's convenience exiftool uses tag name "LensInfo" to write the LensSpecification data because the same data value is saved to LensSpecification and LensInfo in the different groups, eg LensInfo in XMP-Aux.

However, the XMP-Aux:Lens string and XMP-exifEx:LensModel also contain the same data (Adobe populate Lens by copying the EXIF LensModel value in their products).

To be consistent I would expect LensModel as the exiftool tag name to refer to XMP-Aux:Lens

Alan Clifford

Wasn't this discussed, and replied to, just a few days ago?  It seems very déjà vu'ish.

Phil Harvey

There is a trade off between trying to be consistent with the various specifications and trying to be consistent between them (unfortunate that the specifications can't be more consistent).  But once a decision in ExifTool is made, it is basically carved in stone because it is very important for ExifTool to maintain backward compatibility to avoid breaking everyone's scripts/apps/workflow.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).
