Shifting time for specific camera model

Started by rolandme, August 02, 2017, 05:45:57 AM

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Need to shift the time for pictures from a specific camera, in a folder containing pictures from other cameras as well. I'm nearly there (Google is your friend!), but I am missing something small (probably something silly), since nothing seems to happen. I'm on a Mac.

exiftool -if '$model =~ /"Canon EOS 5D Mark II"/i' "-DateTimeOriginal-=00:01:03" *.* -ext JPG -progress -P -overwrite_original_in_place


Hayo Baan

It should just be a matter of removing the quotes from the if statement:
exiftool -if '$model =~ /Canon EOS 5D Mark II/i' -DateTimeOriginal-=00:01:03 . -ext JPG -progress -P -overwrite_original_in_place

I also replaced *.* with . since you already told exiftool to only look for JPG files.
Hayo Baan – Photography


Awesome, thanks! Knew it was something simple.  :)