Copy the "Get Info" Comments in Finder to the IPTC field: Object Name

Started by breather, May 03, 2018, 03:30:21 AM

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Hi There.

So I have a bunch of photos in a folder on my mac and I am going to move them to the Photos app.
I have written some text in the "Get Info" comment of each photo and I now want that info to come with me into the Photos app.
As I understand it, in order to see any kind of text underneath the photos in the Photos app the IPTC field "Object Name" must be filled in.

Is there a way to copy the "Get Info" comment text into the IPTC "Object Name" field?

I want to do this on all photos in a specific folder, not photo by photo.
They are all jpg.

Thanks :-)


So... I have solved some of the problem. Now I have found a new problem :-)

I´m using this:

exiftool "-MDItemFinderComment>iptc:ObjectName" '/Volumes/Data 1/FTP/Kim/Foton/Bengts Album/Test'

and that seems to work, however..... I'm having problems with weird characters like ÅÄÖ.

Now from what I understand I should be using this:


in my code.

I just don't know how to merge the two.

Help please



Sooo.... I tried this:

exiftool -"codedcharacterset=utf8" "-MDItemFinderComment>iptc:ObjectName" '/Volumes/Data 1/FTP/Kim/Foton/Bengts Album/Test'

and this

exiftool "-MDItemFinderComment>iptc:ObjectName" -codedcharacterset=utf8 '/Volumes/Data 1/FTP/Kim/Foton/Bengts Album/Test'

and while I didn't get any syntax error the issue still remains. The (swedish) ÅÄÖ characters looks weird AF and I don't know what to do.

Phil Harvey

Do the funny characters look OK when extracted with this command?:

exiftool -MDItemFinderComment FILE

If so, then you should be writing them correctly with this command:

exiftool -codedcharacterset=utf8 "-MDItemFinderComment>iptc:ObjectName" FILE

You can check this by reading back with ExifTool:

exiftool -ObjectName FILE

However, it isn't guaranteed the Photos will read this correctly.  IPTC is notorious for character encoding problems.  If there was an XMP tag that Photos would read instead it may avoid these problems. 

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thank you Phil.

I'm using this and it seems to work

exiftool -codedcharacterset=utf8 "-MDItemFinderComment>iptc:ObjectName" '/Yadda/Yadda/Yadda/' -overwrite_original

It was weird because I ran it and then checked the IPTC in another program and there it displayed weird characters. Of course when I checked the IPTC in ExifTool it was as it should be.

It looks like it should be in the Photos App.

Thanks for the help :-)