adding a TimeZone to jpeg files

Started by sevy, July 22, 2018, 08:28:54 AM

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first of all, congratulations for this marvellous software.

when using Exiftool through Geosetter, all pictures receive a timezone : "takendate 26-05-16 18:16:45" become after saving "takendate 26-05-16 18:16:45+02:00", +02:00 for Western Europe.

I'm desperately trying to get the same result directly with Exiftool in command line... but with no success. I tried to change DateTimeDigitized, DateTimeOriginal, ModifyDate... no result.

After searching on this forum and on internet ... with no result, i send my question here :)

Does anyone have an idea ?

thanks in advance,


What tool are you using to read "Date Taken" as there is no actual tag with that name.  This is just to satisfy my own curiosity, as usually when "Date Taken" is referred to, it is from what Windows reads and I can't replicate the addition of a time zone in the Windows interface.

If I recall, Geosetter will set the timezone in the XMP versions of AllDates (xmp:DateTimeOriginal, xmp:CreateDate, and xmp:ModifyDate), IPTC:TimeCreated, EXIF:TimeZoneOffset, and the GPS timestamps (GPSDateStamp and GPSTimeStamp).

You can use XMP:AllDates to set the first three ("-XMP:AllDates<$DateTimeOriginal+02:00" for example).  I would think that EXIF:TimeZoneOffset would be an unlikely candidate, as I doubt most software supports it.  IPTC:TimeCreated (along with IPTC:DateCreated) is also a good posibility, but I would strongly suspect that GPSDateStamp and GPSTimeStamp would be the reverent tags if the above XMP tags aren't the ones you're looking for.
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).

Alan Clifford

After you have set the timezone using geosetter, surely you can just look through the meta data with exiftool to see what has been set?

exiftool -G -a photo.jpg


TakenDate was my biggest problem : it's a column in Geosetter but was unable to determine wich tag was used to show this data.  I perform a test with a picture  :
- take a jpg file (test.jpg)
- copy this file (test-orginal.jpg)
- set the timezone on test.jpg
- compare test and test-original
but i was unable to determine wich tag I need to update in my bach file.

I try the tip posted by StarGeek "-XMP:AllDates<$DateTimeOriginal+02:00" and it seems to work. I will perform more test tomorrow.

I will keep you informed !

Thanks for all the tips,



I just performed more test... and it's works ! Thanks a lot for your help.


I had forgotten that Geosetter also used the term "Date Taken".  It takes a bit more work to test Geosetter because once a timezone is assigned to a picture, it doesn't go away when refreshed, just updated if it is different.  So I had to close Geosetter between file changes.  But I think I narrowed it down to XMP:DateTimeOriginal as the exact tag that it will use in this case that includes the timezone.
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).