GARMIN Dash Cam GPS Information

Started by robin, October 20, 2018, 07:01:24 AM

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I have a Garmin Dash Cam 55, with this camera i record videos of my route, and also i take photos of importants spots.

when i download photos to my computer, in exif information there is no GPS information, and no date information. The GPS information is directly saved in the picture (i attached a file in this post).

I need  GPS information  in exfif information, because i want to put automaticaly this pictures in a map.

I try to put the filemodifydate to a modifydate (to find my picture in a track log) with this sentence:

exiftool "-ModifyDate<FileModifyDate"-globaltimeshift *.jpg

And give this error Unrecognized MarkerNotes / No writebla tags.

With Geosetter i can change the date of picture,and then i can take photo position with the option to find in a track log with gpx file.
But this option i have to do picture by picture, and i have a lot of pictures.

Perphaps the GPS infomation is in the JPG file, because in the exif information says:


What can i do?
It's is posible read directly from de JPG the GPS information?

Thank you so much for advanced.

King regards.

Phil Harvey

Sorry, but the GPS isn't stored in the metadata of this image.  It is only stamped onto the image itself.

This command should work:

exiftool "-modifydate<filemodifydate" FILE

If you want to apply a time shift, then the -globaltimeshift option requires an argument.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thank you so much!!!!

This solution is goog.

I puted -globaltimeshift option because, now and before i have this error message:

Warning: [minor] Unrecognized MakerNotes - GRMN0021.JPG
Warning: [minor] Maker notes could not be parsed - GRMN0021.JPG

And I read in your posts is could be a solution for this error.

This error apear, but information is updated.

Now is good for me.

Thank you so much again.