Extracted pics from Google takeout - now need to amend folder structure

Started by RW33, August 13, 2019, 01:21:59 PM

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Just found this tool and used the example command to sort my google-takeout pics into folders.
I used this command -
exiftool -q -q -r -d %Y/%m/%%f%%-c.%%e "-directory<filemodifydate" "-directory<createdate" "-directory<datetimeoriginal"
and it pretty much did what it should - but I now have each individual file in its own folder (not very convenient).
This folder structure is within a folder which contains lots of other folders with pics, with varying naming structure.
In an effort to save time - I'm sure this is easier once you have all the handles figured out, I'd appreciate any help in the correct command line for creating the following:
re-arrange the entire root folder and all its subfolders to contain all the pictures in this structure - year>Month>files with original filename.
Once this is done, I'd like to routinely download pictures and use a command line to move them to the new folder structure.

I hope this is clear and appreciate any help.


If you don't expect duplicate filenames, use
-d %Y/%m "-directory<filemodifydate"
If there is the possibility of duplicate filenames, use
-d %Y/%m/%%f%%-c.%%e "-FileName<filemodifydate"

Remove the /%%f%%-c.%%e from the -d (dateFormat) option.  The %f, %c, and %e stand for the Filename, a Copy Number (in the case of duplicate names), and the File Extension, respectively.  So that creates a new directory with the filename as the directory name.

If you expect to possibly have duplicate filenames, then instead you would keep the -d format string the same, but instead of copying to the Directory pseudo-tag, you would copy to FileName e.g.  "-FileName<filemodifydate"

I'd also suggest removing the -q (quiet) option from the command, as that will suppress output that might help you learn what's going on with the command.  It's hard to learn about the program when you don't get feedback about what's happening.
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype