Windows 10 - File not found errors

Started by MikeBrice, March 19, 2021, 04:57:36 AM

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I am using Windows 10 on my desktop, all up to date. I have installed Exiftool V12.21 and ExifToolGUI V5.16.

I have a directory with a little over 300 sub-irectories which together contain a lttle over 1200 files.

I have built a small PHP script to invoke the ExifTool directly with explicit file names using the PHP exec() function, as shown below:

exec('E:\PHPtestingxiftoolgui\Exiftool.exe '."\\NAS03\NAS03_data\MediaWorld\Movies\The Trip/02 - Lenclume.avi",$output,$retval);

Everything is good with the exception of one directory containing 6 .avi files. For each of these files an error is generated by the exoftool process:

Error: File not found - //NAS03/NAS03_data/MediaWorld/Movies/The Trip/The Inn At Whitewell.avi

The ExifToolGUI does not report any errors when inspecting these files.

I have tried renaming the files, copying them to a different directory, all to no avail.

The only thing that may be relevant is that there appears to bo no metadata at all in these files as the GUI toool shows the following in the Metadata tab

ExifTool executed
No data

Is this a spurious error resulting from the total lack of metadata ?

Phil Harvey

There is always something to report about a file, so there is no chance the ExifTool returns nothing if all tags are requested.

There are lots of peculiarities surrounding NAS filesystems on Windows.  My guess is that this is the source of the problem.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Have you tried running the command directlly on the command line rather than calling it from php?
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).


Thanks for the feed back. I tried using the same command manually, same result:

E:\PHPtesting\exiftoolgui>Exiftool.exe "\\NAS03\NAS03_data\MediaWorld\Television\The Trip\The Trip [2010]/02 - Lenclume.avi"
Error: File not found - //NAS03/NAS03_data/MediaWorld/Television/The Trip/The Trip [2010]/02 - Lenclume.avi

I have attached an image of the explorer window showing the relevant files in their directory on the NAS., and the detail shown by the GUI tool.

I copied the file to the working directory, same result:

E:\PHPtesting\exiftoolgui>Exiftool.exe "02 - Lenclume.avi"
Error: File not found - 02 - Lenclume.avi

I still suspect that there is something about the content of the file that is the trigger for the displayed error.

Is there a simple way to 'add' some meta data to this file ?


I had a look to see what info Exploere presented, and there was something as ypu can see in the attached image files.