Using MS Access 2019 to run and import ExifTool data

Started by Sampoline, March 29, 2021, 10:13:08 PM

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Hi all. I want to be able to run ExifTool through MS Access 2019, create a CSV and then import that CSV to a table in Access. Now I actually figured out how to do this by simply running a .bat file with the EXIF command in it. And then in VBA tell it to run the .bat file, wait for it to create the CSV and then import into a table in Access.

But I am trying to see if I can tell which folder I want to run ExifTool by browsing to that folder (using Application.FileDialog(PickType) in VBA) instead of specifying it in the EXIF command itself. I know how to create a browse function in Access. But I don't know how to tell ExifTool to run the command from that location. I want to do this so I don't have to specify a location in the EXIF command each time I want to run from a different location. Simply browsing to that folder and running it would be my aim.

Anyone tried this or has any ideas?

Phil Harvey

You might have better luck asking this in an MS Access forum.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).