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GPS Beautiful Names

Started by MarkusFred, September 01, 2021, 05:07:34 PM

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First time user of the tool and it really solves most of my problems. Now that the GPS coordinates of the files are easily extractable has anyone been able to rename the file with the nearest city and country of that location? I dream of something like %Y-%m-%d-%city_%country ... I know this could be programmed with gps extraction, location lookup etc. but maybe someone has already done this? Regards Markus


Is it possible?  Yes.  But it's complicated.

The main problem is how are you going to look up the location?  Download the data and do the lookup locally?  That's a pretty big dataset and then you have to be able to parse it and interface with it.  Probably not an easy task.

Use an online maps API?  That can be done, just call cURL and parse the resulting json data.  But there are other problems.  Google Maps API, for example, gives you some free uses per month, but you have to have a credit card on file in case you go over your free allotment.
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