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analog film Values

Started by PatrickMarq, July 15, 2022, 05:44:13 AM

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I see following possible Fields but I can't put Values into it.

Film Brand -> Portra
Film Source -> ??
Film Type -> Color Negative
Film Vendor -> Kodak

FileSource: 1 = Film Scanner
   2 = Reflection Print Scanner
   3 = Digital Camera

can anyone help me out ?


You're listing tag descriptions (see FAQ #2).  What are the actual tag names and groups?  Use the command in FAQ #3 to figure this out.

I'll give odds that these are MakerNotes tags, which cannot be created, only edited.
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).


I've noted the same, that film-related tags are not writable (for jpegs).

Some related tags names (found using exiftool -list) are:
  • FilmBatchNumber
  • FilmBrand
  • FilmCategory
  • FilmColorProcess
  • FilmConsumptionSequence
  • FilmDestination
  • FilmFormatName 
  • FilmFrameNumber
  • FilmGauge
  • FilmSize
  • FilmSizeID
  • FilmStockKind
  • FilmStockManufacturerName
  • FilmType
  • ...etc

All really useful metadata for those who shoot film! Unfortunately, it seems these tags are not writable for exif or xmp. E.g., I don't see these same tags using:

exiftool -listw -exif:all

exiftool -listw -xmp:all

I'm curious what software CAN be used to write these tags or what it might take to make these tags writable. How could one determine if these are MakerNotes? I see the FilmSize tag show up on images scanned at my local lab (using a NORITSU scanner) -- though still not writable in the images that have them.


You would have to look them up under the Tag Name subpages. I use a Google search with to limit the search to just those pages.

A quick check shows that most of those fall under the FlashPix file format and Material Exchange Format file format.  Basically not available for using in standard image formats.

AFAIK, there are not any standard tags for analog camera values.  IMO, the best place to include them would be either as part of the Description or, if your photo management program supports them, hierarchical tags.

As an example, I use HierarchicalSubject to assign time zone data to images I collect.  In IMatch, it ends up looking like this

If you include it in the Description, I would do it after the regular description and in a set format, so that you could search for it easily and it could be extracted with exiftool if needed.  Something like
Description first paragraph, random text

More Description paragraphs, random text

Film Tag 1: value
Film Tag 2: value
Film Tag 3: value

With a good management program, you could then do a search on the specific film tag and value.
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).


Thanks StarGeek. That is very helpful!

I had a feeling I might need to use hierarchical tags. I hadn't though of using the description to store metadata (other than a general description of what was photographed). I might give it a try.

(Also very handy to know the trick for searching all tag name subpages).