How to extract words from a tag string and move file to "words" folder?

Started by MBCLS, January 27, 2024, 12:11:53 PM

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(sorry for my bad english)
Hello everyone, I am organizing huge of image files that store specific data in "UserComment" category.
My goal is, let's say that some image has "Threshold Ratio: 0.N," string like below:
  Image1.png - "UserComment: KEY1: VALUE1, KEY2: VALUE2, ...... Threshold Ratio: 0.347, KEY10: VALUE10, ......"
  Image2.webp - "UserComment: ...... Threshold Ratio: 0.954, ......"
  Image3.jpg - "UserComment: ...... Threshold Ratio: 0, ......"

and others does not.
I then want to move these images into folders named with values like "\Ratio_0.347, \Ratio_0.954, \Ratio_0".

This means that I need to find the string "Threshold Ratio: 0.N" in the images in the folder(recursively), and then extract only the "0.N" characters.

How can I achieve it with ExifTools command line?
I had tried to search so many web pages for this feature but failed...

Probably, below very limited information I found seem to be clues to my goal.
- Regular expression: ".+Threshold Ratio: (\S+),.+" Replacement: "$1"
- Similar command, but need to write the value one by one:
" .\exiftool.exe  -if '"$exif:UserComment =~ /Threshold Ratio: 0.347/"' ./ -directory=".\Ratio_347\ "
" .\exiftool.exe  -if '"$exif:UserComment =~ /Threshold Ratio: 0.954/"' ./ -directory=".\Ratio_954\ "
" .\exiftool.exe  -if '"$exif:UserComment =~ /Threshold Ratio: 0/"' ./ -directory=".\Ratio_0\ "

Any idea will be very helpful to solve this problem!
Thank you.


The command you would would be something like
exiftool -r -if "$UserCommentl=~/Threshold Ratio:/i" "-Directory<${UserComment;m/Threshold Ratio:\s+0\.(\d+)/i;$_=Ratio_0$1;}" /path/to/files/

The one big question is where do you want the "Ratio_" directories located, especially with a subdirectory and recursion.

If you want to sort them into subdirectories in a specific folder, you would use something like
"-Directory<C:\New\Ratio\directory\${UserComment;m/Threshold Ratio:\s+0\.(\d+)/i;$_=Ratio_0$1;}"

If you want the ratio subdirectories in each of the subdirectories, for example "C:\Pictures\sub1\Ratio_01", "C:\Pictures\sub1\subsub2\Ratio_01", etc, then use
"-Directory<%d${UserComment;m/Threshold Ratio:\s+0\.(\d+)/i;$_=Ratio_0$1;}"

You didn't mention your operating system.  These commands would be for Windows CMD.  Change the double quotes into single quotes for Mac/Linux.
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
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