problem with import metadata .tif files

Started by Ingert, June 20, 2024, 06:46:23 AM

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hello everybody,

I first exported metadata with exiftool from a list of images (see csv-file EXPORT) and then modified te the data added some tags to import them (see csv-file IMPORT)

you can find the export and the import csv here:

I tried to import the new csv with this command line:
exiftool -csv="U:\2_11_CTMAE\08_MUS\03_Taken\02_Collectie\03_Digitale_strategie\HighRes_beelden_moederbestanden\JM\HugoMaertens\JM_HugoMaertens_TIF_IMPORT.csv" -overwrite_original "U:\2_11_CTMAE\08_MUS\03_Taken\02_Collectie\03_Digitale_strategie\HighRes_beelden_moederbestanden\JM\HugoMaertens"

I didn't change anything in the field Sourcefile, but when I want to import I got everytime this:

Invalid tag name and also No SourceFile "..." in imported CSV database
1 directories scanned
0 image files read

does anyone has an idea what the problem can be?

thanks in advance!

Phil Harvey

You need to use commas as separators, not semicolons.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Sorry I added the wrong attachment, here is a new downloadlink:

also with this file I have the same problem. I tested also to import the original file again (just to test it) and I got the same failure..



I downloaded your files, created the same directory path, and had no problems with the command

C:\>dir U:\2_11_CTMAE\08_MUS\03_Taken\02_Collectie\03_Digitale_strategie\HighRes_beelden_moederbestanden\JM\HugoMaertens
 Volume in drive U is ...
 Volume Serial Number is 9436-B35B

 Directory of U:\2_11_CTMAE\08_MUS\03_Taken\02_Collectie\03_Digitale_strategie\HighRes_beelden_moederbestanden\JM\HugoMaertens

2024-06-20  10:25 AM    <DIR>          .
2024-06-20  10:24 AM    <DIR>          ..
2024-06-20  10:25 AM         4,682,944 JM.00.0111.00.tif
2024-06-20  04:10 AM            21,360 JM_HugoMaertens_TIF_IMPORT.csv
               2 File(s)      4,704,304 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  3,938,472,804,352 bytes free


C:\>exiftool -csv="U:\2_11_CTMAE\08_MUS\03_Taken\02_Collectie\03_Digitale_strategie\HighRes_beelden_moederbestanden\JM\HugoMaertens\JM_HugoMaertens_TIF_IMPORT.csv" -overwrite_original "U:\2_11_CTMAE\08_MUS\03_Taken\02_Collectie\03_Digitale_strategie\HighRes_beelden_moederbestanden\JM\HugoMaertens"
    1 directories scanned
    1 image files updated

Are you sure you didn't use the semicolon separated file instead of the CSV file? Because if I use the semicolon separated file, that is where I get Invalid tag name and No SourceFile errors.
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).