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Pre release V635 ready for testing

Started by FrankB, August 04, 2024, 04:22:35 AM

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Hello All,

I'm preparing a new GUI release V6.3.5. That release will include 2 changes that have been on my wishlist for some time now. Those changes will impact functionality, so I want to get it right. I can use all the help I can get. So I would like to ask you to download, install and test this pre-release that you can download from:!AhVJC-QzM33pknOS7KwBi09lgNql?e=n7ztFX

Looking forward to your comments, improvements, bug reports etc.


What are the changes?

1) The Tagnames used for removing and copying metadata are now flexible:
  • They can be customized. You can Add/Edit/Delete the tagnames.
  • Help is provided when adding a tag. Select a tagname from a sample, or select a writable tag, or free choice.
  • The selection you made will be saved in the INI file, and restored next time.
  • A Preview button has been added to give you an idea what Metadata is affected.

Screenshots previous version:

Screenshots new version:

2) When choosing/editing file types to show you can now add ';/s'. This will make GUI scan sub folders.
The items (files) found can be processed in the normal way, including things like 'camera details' and thumbnails. Metadata functions and GeoTagging should all work.
But I cant possibly test all combinations, so I'm asking for your help.
