New Program for previewing photographs that uses ExifTool

Started by PatD, August 08, 2024, 02:25:23 PM

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I submitted a C# program I wrote to Code Project. It uses ExifTool to extract JPG preview images from RAW files. Thanks to an enhancement that Phil Harvey made, these JPG files include EXIF informatiom.

My program is called "Choose Images". Choose Images is a an image processing program designed to simplify the process of selecting and copying JPG and RAW photographs from external media to a working folder on your hard drive. It can also be used on files on your hard drive for tasks like reviewing old files and folders for images that can be deleted or archived. Your processing work flow would start with the images you have selected and copied to a folder on your hard drive. Choose Images gets you to that point by making it easy to preview photographs and decide which ones are worth keeping and processing. Typically, you would check composition, aesthetics and sharpness.

You can read about it and download the source code from Code Project. At this point, it is a Windows only application built using Visual Studio 2022. I'll create a website that will allow people to install the executable at some point in time.

Phil Harvey

Hi Pat,

Thanks for the note.

It looks like a useful program.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).