Rename files due to time

Started by petr_riha, September 24, 2024, 11:34:33 AM

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Hi friends,

I'm new and have read many articles so far, but unfortunatelly I'm not able to rename my files... Can you please help me?

I have IMG_1234.heic, IMG_1235.heic, etc. in directory "photos".
I want to rename them due to create datetime, to format renamed/IMG_20240405_130457.heic, renamed/IMG_20240405_160309.heic, etc.

Can you please help me? I have read the manual but there are many examples and after hours watching into I feel so... blind and unable to find what I'm looking for.

Thanks a lot... :-)


This is the example command you needed to look at. Only a few changes need to be made. I also added the %c variable to add a copy number if there is a filename collision.

I also set this to use Testname. This will show you want the new names will be without actually renaming. If it looks correct, change Testname into Filename.
exiftool -r "-Testname<CreateDate" -d IMG_%Y%m%d_%H%M%%-c.%%e /path/to/files/
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
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