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Latin2 charset

Started by Archive, May 12, 2010, 08:54:04 AM

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[Originally posted by bogdan on 2007-05-14 18:54:40-07]


As I am from East-Europen country (Slovenia)... is there any chance that Latin2 charset option will be added in some future release?

With Latin1 I can use (capital+small) "S" and "Z" with caron... the only missing character is "C" with caron -which exists only in Latin2.

Thanks for answer,



[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-05-14 19:09:29-07]

Hi Bogdan,

I strongly suggest that you use UTF8 if possible.  It is the native character set for XMP
and the only reasonable way to use special characters in IPTC.

But I'll take a look into Latin2 and see what is involved.

- Phil


[Originally posted by bogdan on 2007-05-16 16:13:25-07]

Hi Phil,

First, thanks for fast response. Well, I need to say that I'm not very much "inside" of all those font-code variations...

But, following your advice (to stick with UTF8) and doing some further readings, I've come to conclusion, to go UTF8 route -btw. Adobe's Lightroom uses UTF8 too.

Now... working on ExifTool's GUI (a bit off-topic, I know),... I'm able to convert strings to UTF8 and write them via ExifTool (which is then perfectly recognized by Lightroom with all "special" characters). The only problem is, when ExifTool read XMP data and writes such (UTF8) string to output (which is routed to GUI), I'm not able to make reverse (UTF8 to Ansi) conversion to be readable in GUI as it should. It seems that I should try harder :-)

Wish you the best,



[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-05-16 16:23:09-07]

I don't know any details about your GUI, but if it is easier for you to
display HTML character entities, you can use the exiftool -E
option to convert special characters to HTML escape sequences.

- Phil


[Originally posted by bogdan on 2007-05-17 18:41:42-07]

Because using "-L" option, I was able to recognize at least some of characters used in my country. So I've decided to use "-L" option as default when reading from ExifTool into GUI... and then I've forgotten doing so (passing "-L" parameter automatically to ExifTool) -no wonder I was unable to make reverse conversion :-)

Just wish to tell you, that now works perfectly... so forget Latin2 issue.

The only thing that is a bit annoying, is quite long time lapse which is needed for ExifTool to respond if called from GUI. I believe there isn't much to do... still, work (reading, editing) is in general faster from GUI than typing into "DOS" window.

At this momment GUI can manage only single image-files. In next days I plan to implement some batch usage... at least most needed things. You were right: it's almost impossible to implement ExifTool's flexibility into GUI :-)

Have a nice day,



[Originally posted by bogdan on 2007-05-17 18:44:28-07]

Because using "-L" option, I was able to recognize at least some of characters used in my country. So I've decided to use "-L" option as default when reading from ExifTool into GUI... and then I've forgotten doing so (passing "-L" parameter automatically to ExifTool) -no wonder I was unable to make reverse conversion :-)

Just wish to tell you, that now works perfectly... so forget Latin2 issue.

The only thing that is a bit annoying, is quite long time lapse which is needed for ExifTool to respond if called from GUI. I believe there isn't much to do... still, work (reading, editing) is in general faster from GUI than typing into "DOS" window.

At this momment GUI can manage only single image-files. In next days I plan to implement some batch usage... at least most needed things. You were right: it's almost impossible to implement ExifTool's flexibility into GUI :-)

Have a nice day,
