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Speed With EPS Files

Started by Archive, May 12, 2010, 08:54:05 AM

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[Originally posted by themonk on 2007-05-25 17:45:49-07]

Hi Phil

We have found that with very large EPS files (133 Meg), it takes an age to parse the file...

Despite having found the tags I requested it appears to continue to parse the whole file,

reading 8192 bytes at a time..
Can this be optimised ?



[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-05-25 18:42:06-07]

Hi Mark,

Thanks for prompting me to look into this...  Just a couple of days ago I
noticed long delays myself while parsing large EPS images written by
Photoshop CS3 (so luckily I have a sample which exhibits this behaviour).
Upon closer inspection, this image contains large sections of binary data
which can be skipped fairly easily.  Doing so vastly improves performance
for my sample image.  I have added this ability and uploaded a
for you to test out.  Please let me know if it helps with
your images.

- Phil


[Originally posted by themonk on 2007-05-31 11:02:03-07]

Thanks Phil...

That looks like a big improvement on speed, thanks..

An image which was taking sometimes an hour to return anything with '-a -g'

is now processed in a few seconds

HOWEVER ....I have a problem with line 433..

Can't locate in @INC

We never used to have this dependency ....

We currently use exiftool version 6.66 with perl 5.005_03 on Solaris 5.8.

I restored the "print help" section of code

from the earlier version and all was well.

Can we review this code and remove the dependancy ?



[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-05-31 11:45:19-07]

Hi Mark,

Thanks for pointing out this problem on Solaris 5.8.  I have removed the
"use warnings" and re-uploaded the 5.91 pre-release.

- Phil


[Originally posted by themonk on 2007-05-31 14:21:46-07]


Thanks, that now works a treat ...