Unique identification of K100D-PEF-files?

Started by Archive, May 12, 2010, 08:54:07 AM

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[Originally posted by linuxuser on 2007-08-23 19:34:03-07]

Does anyone have an idea how I can identify photos made in serial mode with a Pentax K100D? Other cameras have a "SequenceNumber" in the makernotes, but it looks like PEF-files don't. I organize the photos by time and therefore 2of3 photos in the same second are deleted. The easiest way to avoid this would be to put the sequencenumber after the second, but this is missing. Any ideas? Thank you!


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-08-23 22:11:26-07]

I can see nothing in the meta information that indicates the
sequence, but then I don't have any K100D samples shot
in rapid sequence.  But of course, the original file name gives
this information.  I don't understand exactly how the photos
are deleted.  Are you renaming the files according to the
date/time?  If you are doing this with exiftool, you can use
the "%c" format code to append a copy number to the files.
This could fix the problem, but I'm not sure about your
specific situation so this may or may not apply in your case.

- Phil


[Originally posted by linuxuser on 2007-08-23 22:37:42-07]

Phil, I am using a bash script to change the filenames. I can't tell you in a few sentences, which conditions result in which filename. Assume I need a unique number, which is yyyymmddhhmmss(+sequencenumber, if there was a rapid sequence). So yes, I am renaming the files according to the date/time but I can't do it with exiftool, the conditions are too complex. Now i am modifying my script for future photos, where the original filename of the camera still exists. This could help me with my problem, but I don't like it very much to modify an original file, which would be necessary with my workflow then.

I like to write the "number-part" in the ImageNumber-filed, but this doesn't work. I use Exiftool 6.95 and executed
exiftool -q -q -overwrite_original -EXIF:ImageNumber="$Number" "$INP"

Before I  checked if the tag is empty with
exiftool -q -q -s -s -s -EXIF:ImageNumber "$INP"
and it looks like the wrong tag is queried. Please note my othe posting re ImageNumber.

Of course I can send you samples, but this means a lot of mailspace for you. I use samples from raw-files (10MB), which I use and jpg-files. Please let me know, if I should send you the samples. Unfortunately, I have no webspace for upload at the moment, but I will think about it.


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-08-24 11:42:15-07]

I don't understand.  I have no problems reading and writing ImageNumber
to PEF images:

> exiftool -overwrite_original -EXIF:ImageNumber=3 a.pef
    1 image files updated
> exiftool -q -q -s -s -s -EXIF:ImageNumber a.pef

Does this not work for you?

- Phil