IPTC keyword - no in new version :(

Started by fjaka, November 21, 2010, 03:47:51 PM

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pls return back option to edit IPTC keywords
because this keyword is used by Picasa in Tags

Quote-keywording inside IPTC/XMP edit panel has been removed (as it was, it was too complicated to use).
not complicated for me :)

hvala i pozdrav iz Dubrovnika :)



Ok, (complicated) IPTC keywording will be back in next update -by removing this option, I actually wanted to encourage users slowly moving toward XMP.. as it seems, I have failed  :)
Anyway, I'm somehow surprised, that Picasa can't handle XMP data. I need to emphasize, that XMP is especially usefull for those of us, who use foreign characters (East European in this case) inside metadata.

As it seems, I can't simply copy program code from old GUI version to new one -meaning, I need some more time to figure something out. Most probably, IPTC keywording will be implemented the same way as is XMP keywording now -that is, not complicated :)

Vračam pozdrav iz Maribora,

PS: About bike... is this some Tomos APN4 replica?  :)