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Canon VRD no longer in Maker Notes?

Started by roxie380, July 02, 2011, 09:47:42 AM

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Haven't used this particular function for a while and notice that I can no longer see "Canon VRD" data in the Maker Notes tab.  It does still show up in the "All" tab.

Was this changed in a version update for some reason - or am I forgetting an option somewhere?   

To me since it's Canon specific, I would think having it in the Maker Notes tab would be a natural place.

Thanks for the continuing support and great product!



You're right: CanonVRD section isn't shown in Maker view list.
When I started with GUI v4.00, I wanted to tryout something related to CanonVRD (which I didn't do later) and then simply "forgot" about that. Yes, CanonVRD will be shown in next update (one way or another).

Related question for you, Phil:
Is Canon the only one using CanonVRD-like method for storing postprocessing data? I mean, I'd like to show similar data for some other cameras as well. That is:
Pentax=? -R.I.P. ;)


Phil Harvey

Hi Bogdan,

Here is the editing information that ExifTool decodes for the various makes:

Canon --> CanonVRD
Nikon --> NikonCapture
Sony --> SonyIDC, Version0, Version1, Version2... (stores information for various editing versions)
Adobe --> XMP-crs, XMP-crss
Pentax, Olympus, Panasonic, FujiFilm, Sigma... --> <none>

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thank you, Phil

I'll save that info. Now, I'm confused...
If I execute:
exiftool -g1 -Makernotes:all Canon.CR2
-I get Canon and CanonCustom groups listed, but no CanonVRD (because -CanonVRD:all is needed for that).
But if I execute:
exiftool -g1 -Makernotes:all Nikon.NEF
-I get Nikon and NikonCapture groups listed... that is: CanonVRD and NikonCapture aren't "similar".
I mean, CanonVRD is aded "after" by Canon DPP. How about NikonCapture?


Phil Harvey

Right.  The CanonVRD stuff is stored as a separate trailer, while the NikonCapture stuff is actually put inside the maker notes by the Nikon software.  Sony also puts their editing information in the maker notes.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).



Thanks for the update.  I see the difference between what Canon does with VRD and Nikon.  I see that you are considering a separate "button" so the Maker Notes aren't so long.  It probably does need split but I'm not sure how you would go about that just for the Canon product line.

Was the Maker List long in Version 3.xx, too?


Quote from: roxie380 on July 10, 2011, 07:36:09 PM
...It probably does need split but I'm not sure how you would go about that just for the Canon product line.
-exactly that is the reason why I hesitate! I have a Canon (so I know better what I need in GUI for it), but I don't wish to make much brand differences in GUI.
Was the Maker List long in Version 3.xx, too?
CanonVRD became larger with new Canon DPP versions, because editing features added or changed.




Just a thought - is there a way (maybe for all the listings) to use the "expand" or "+" on the lists for each heading?  In this case "+" VRD; "+" Canon Custom; "+" ExifIFD ----- in other words, where you have a header in bold, allow the list to be collapsed or expanded?

Just a thought, and maybe more complicated that its work the effort??  Of course then someone would want an option for "Expand All", "Collapse All"  LOL


This idea is worth to think about. Of course, in tree view, even stuff seems to be organized "nice", it's not neccessary nice to work with: "..let's see, if that's what I'm looking for is in this tree nod.. no?..scroll up.. close tree nod... let's open next one.. which is? what? I've allready been in that one!?.." -and finally, one ends working with all nods expanded all the time. I can imagine, that next best thing (request) would be, that GUI remembers state (expanded/collaped) of each tree nod (which is somehow similar to what "Custom" view allready does).
Again, I'm not saying idea is bad -I'm just trying to be carefull before making such major change (without knowing exactly what's the benefit).
Anyway, thank you for suggestion  :)
