use tags for default values in workspace manager?

Started by ruth, October 01, 2012, 12:22:05 PM

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I am setting up ExifToolGUI for the first time (newbie, here)... I have set up several tags with default values by adding text in the right-hand column (hints) in the workspace manager. This works great!

Is it possible to insert another tag in that column instead of static text?

I experimented by inserting two different tags into the hints column:

EXIF:CreateDate - this seemed to work (for updating the ModifyDate tag), but perhaps this was correct already
IPTC:CopyrightNotice - this did not work; it put the text "IPTC:CopyrightNotice" into the tag iptc:Source

Is there a special syntax to use?

BTW, I put the * in the tag name (left-most column).

Thanks in advance!