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Tips on greyed out menu workaround

Started by Beholder3, January 01, 2013, 07:09:33 AM

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first of all: Happy new year!

I just want to share some information on solving (workaround) a little bug:

My exiftoolGUI started up in a directory with a single JPG file with no exif data. For some reason this lead to an opening message right after starting the program "list index out of bounds". I didn't care yet. Most worked well.

No preview picture was displayed anywhere.
The three menu items import/export, modify and various were greyed out.

I was totally unable to find out why, until:

Changed to a directory with picture files with some metadata.
Switched the filelist details from "user defined" (my startup value) to "about photo". Clicked on a file and voilá: works again. Even when switching back to my "user defined" details view.