64 bit version of Windows .exe?

Started by markp3rry, March 25, 2013, 12:06:08 PM

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I just downloaded v9.24 from the site and tried to run it in 64-bit Windows, got the message "exiftool-9.24.exe is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running". Is there a 64-bit version available?

Phil Harvey

I don't understand this.  As far as I can tell other ExifTool users running Windows 7 64-bit have no troubles.  There is only one exe version, which presumably is 32-bit, but it should run on a 64-bit system.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


I just downloaded the newest version and it worked fine on 64 bit Windows 8.  Maybe uninstall and reinstall?
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype