exiftool - linux - process files listed in a text file

Started by nikkon, April 20, 2013, 01:23:41 PM

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Sorry if this is more a bash than exiftool issue - or there is a simpler way but this is what i think will work for me after many disasters .

I have many++ photos taken over many years  organised over hundreds of directories . such that ie files to which i want to write similar tags are in different directories / sub directories .
i have a photo collection program (geeqie ) that  can create collections - and create a text file  (.gqv ) with the path to the all the photos for that collections  , therefore files to which i want to write similar tags to via exiftool . ... 

( geeqie has an exif  tagging tool  but i dont trust it / limit flexibility / i have the suspicion that each file has to be labelled individually / what do i do if geeqie is not .....

problem :  does exiftool have an option that a list of files can be processed that are in that specific text file .      ie pictures-tobe-tagged.txt
problem : the  path to the individual pictures in the specific file is in double quotes ; as in " /path/to/file/abc.jpg"
so when i tried to do it with a   while read file ; do   loop   it complains it cannot find the file

Could you please give some help or maybe there are  options  i have not seen .. and thanks     
Thanks for your magical tool .

Phil Harvey

Normally this is done using the -@ option, but this option requires an input file with one argument per line and no quotes.

You will have to run the file through a pre-processor to remove the quotes. Awk will do this I think.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thanks for reply  managed to do it by :

cat  Tester.gqv | sed "s#\"# #g" >> tempz.txt ;while read line ;do exiftool  --what i want to do      $line ; done < tempz.txt