FPXR Segment too small

Started by daniel.game, February 22, 2014, 03:45:32 PM

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Please excuse both my english and my ignorance of the basics of the matters covered by ExifTool.
I am using this software, thru GeoSetter, in order to mass update my pictures with captions and geotagging data.
When doing this, on some pictures, I get a warning saying that the FPXR segment is too small
This seems to happen with pictures shot with a Fuji camera (but only on some of them, and most of them being updated by Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0).
When I get the ExifTool warning, I just click OK. Captions and geotagging data are OK, as I wanted them to be.
However, such pictures create problems to DXO : when trying to load the Exif of such a picture, DXO issues an error message and stops.
Is there a way to overcome this FPXR problem or to avoid it from the beginning ?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Phil Harvey

I would be surprised if DxO even parsed the FXPR (FlashPix) information.  But you can delete the FlashPix information (and hence avoid the ExifTool warning) with this command:

exiftool -flashpix:all= some.jpg

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Phil, thanks for your quick reply.
As I said I invoke ExifTool from GeoSetter. It does allow me to insert an ExifTool command either before or after GeoSetter processing. I tried both (separately), but I get the following error message :
Warning: FPXR segment to small - C:/HOMERDATA/Photos/ANNEE 2014/01 INDE DU SUD/J06 SA 2501/XE1F4817.JPG
Error: File not found - exiftool
Error: File not found - some.jpg

I also copied the first lines of the ExifTool execution results :
C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoSetter\tools\exiftool.exe  -@ "C:\Users\dadou45\AppData\Local\Temp\et101DB7D6.arg" exiftool -flashpix:all= some.jpg -common_args "C:\HOMERDATA\Photos\ANNEE 2014\01 INDE DU SUD\J06 SA 2501\XE1F4817.JPG"


Surely something obvious must be done, but I could not find what !!
I'm sorry to bother you with potentially trivial issues.
Thanks again

Phil Harvey

Quote from: daniel.game on February 23, 2014, 11:19:58 AM
Error: File not found - exiftool
Error: File not found - some.jpg

Right.  So remove "exiftool" and "some.jpg" from your command.

The warning will occur because you are copying tags from the file before writing the new ones, but with "-flashpix:all=", the next time you process a file there won't be any warning.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Well .. I actually applied your instructions as follows :
1. Within a folder containing pictures, I identified one (and it is the only one in that folder) that makes DXO stop once this picture has been updated by GeoSetter.
2. I replaced this picture by the original version.
3. I launched DXO, which did not stop.
4. In GeoSetter, I inserted the new ExifTool command in both the before and after slots.
5. I updated the captions and saved the picture.
6. I got the error message.
7. Then I updated the geotagging data and saved the picture.
8. No error message this time, as you predicted.
9. I run DXO, which stopped again.

Now, to be comprehensive :
1. I am running DXO 5.3.5. I tried the latest version (DXO 9), which did not stop when running on that same folder, after having updated the picture with GeoSetter, and without having even inserted an ExifTool command.
2. The problem happens only with Fuji pictures.
I therefore suspect some kind of design flaw in DXO 5 (fixed in V9) that gets revealed when I use GeoSetter to update the picture metadata.
I think I should stop bothering you, since it seems quite biased to use EXifTool to fix a DXO problem.
I should rather switch to DXO 9 (DXO 5 is no longer supported) but I am reluctant for an other very specific reason, but this is an other story.
I would like to thank you for your help.

Phil Harvey

Yes, DxO has known flaws like this.  In fact, I have seen a statement from DxO support specifying that DxO must be the first software in your workflow because it is not able to deal with some modified images.  Presumably because it is taking shortcuts and not parsing the files properly. And it didn't seem like they had any plans to fix this.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Phil, thanks for your help. This discussion was very useful, I really do appreciate. You're doing a great job with ExifTool and this forum. I have to think about my workflow now !!