Problem when shifting the "Sony Date Time 2" value

Started by j2, July 14, 2014, 04:29:13 PM

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Hi everyone,

I made a mistake when configuring my new camera for the first time (wrong month and date...).
I've tried to use ExifTool to correct the exif of all my photographs until now with (for the month):
exiftool -AllDates+="0:1:0 0:0:0" *.JPG
exiftool "-DateTimeOriginal>FileModifyDate" *.JPG
exiftool "-DateTimeOriginal>FileCreateDate" *.JPG

This worked perfectly except that:

1) there are 2 other dates not corrected by these commands : the tag "Sony Date Time" and "Sony Date Time 2".
The first one is well corrected with the command exiftool -SonyDateTime+="0:1:0 0:0:0" *.JPG,
but when using for the second exiftool -SonyDateTime2+="0:1:0 0:0:0" *.JPG,
the "Sony Date Time 2" value which was (in one photo for example) "2014:05:22 14:31:53" became "20221:06:22 14:31:53".

I think that the problem with this "Sony Date Time 2" tag (the difference with the other date tags) is that its format per is undef[6] instead of undef[7].
Is there a(n easy) way to shift the month, then the day, of this tag "Sony Date Time 2" on my photographs?

2) the tag "Thumbnail Offset" rose from 38466 to 38470 and the "MP Image Start" from 8220669 to 8220672.
Is it normal for you?

Thank you a lot for your help!
(for information I used the ExifTool last version 9.67)

Phil Harvey

Thanks for this report.  This is a bug in ExifTool that will be fixed in version 9.68.

The ThumbnailOffset change is normal.  See FAQ 13.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).
