What tags in .jpg files should I keep?

Started by calberga, July 08, 2015, 12:15:04 PM

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Is there a discusion about the pros and cons of keeping or deleting various classes of tags in .jpg files?

I know there is information that I want to keep in  the EXIF section, but what about MakerNotes, MPF, PrintIM, JFIF, and probably others that i haven't tripped over yet?

Phil Harvey

The MakerNotes in JPEG images are really only used by your camera and the software that came with your camera.  If you aren't interested in knowing your camera settings or other details like this, then you may safely delete this information.

MPF is only necessary for stereoscopic images.  Otherwise deleting it just deletes a preview, which isn't essential.

PrintIM is useless unless you happen to use this feature (unlikely).

JFIF is also useless, and has been superseded by EXIF.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thank you!  That may "fix" (at least eliminate) most of my problems!  At least I only have to run that on digital photos, not scans, so that cuts an hour or so off the job!


I have tried the following:

exiftool -ext jpg -r -P -F -v0 -overwrite_original -overwrite_original -MakerNotes:all= -mpf:all= -PrintIM:all= -JFIF:all= -ifd1:all= D:/P/Working/ >D:/P/X/Cleanup.txt 2>D:/P/X/Cleanup-errors.txt

which seems to be running (so far), but at the start I see:

Warning: Not a deletable group: mpf

A little later I get:

Warning: Duplicate Orientation tag in IFD0 - D:/P/Working/2009-12-25 California Christmas by Chris/2009-12-25 001 Christmas Balloon Ride (CC) .jpg

and then:

Warning: Multiple APP1 EXIF segments - D:/P/Working/2014-10-11 Becky and Keith's Wedding/becky-keith-04-X2.jpg

for a group of files. 

That is all so far,  but it will be some time before the run ends.

Phil Harvey

Quote from: calberga on July 09, 2015, 03:14:41 PM
Warning: Not a deletable group: mpf

You are using an old version of ExifTool.  Also, read the MPF tag name documentation, because you are missing something else.

QuoteWarning: Duplicate Orientation tag in IFD0 - D:/P/Working/2009-12-25 California Christmas by Chris/2009-12-25 001 Christmas Balloon Ride (CC) .jpg

and then:

Warning: Multiple APP1 EXIF segments - D:/P/Working/2014-10-11 Becky and Keith's Wedding/becky-keith-04-X2.jpg

Yes.  This are errors that could possibly confusion down the road if they aren't fixed.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thanks, fixed them all (I think) with:

exiftool -ext jpg -r -P -F -v0 -overwrite_original -exif:all= -tagsfromfile @ -exif:all D:/P/Working

Looks good/