Fuji XT-1 Files have wrong ImageSize

Started by gwegner, July 28, 2016, 06:54:25 AM

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I don't think this is necessarily an ExifTool issue, but the image sizes delivered for raw files from the Fuji XT-1 from one of my clients are not correct.
Maybe there is a way to implement around this in exiftool by redirecting the Imagesize to another tag?

D:\temp\test>exiftool.exe -ImageSize _DSF4675.RAF
Image Size                      : 1920x1280

Here is a file to test:


Hayo Baan

I see what's going on here: the metadata does tell all software that the image is 1920x1280, this is true, but only for the embedded preview image (I hate it when camera manufacturers only include a small preview image...). To get the image size of the raw file, you could use one of the following tags:
RAF:RawImageFullSize            = 4992x3296
MakerNotes:RAF:RawImageWidth    = 4936
MakerNotes:RAF:RawImageHeight  = 3296
RAF:FujiIFD:RawImageFullWidth  = 4992
RAF:FujiIFD:RawImageFullHeight = 3296

Note, however, that these sizes are NOT the sizes the image will get when the RAW file is processed. For instance, Adobe Camera Raw will turn this into a slightly smaller image of 4896x3264...
Hayo Baan – Photography
Web: www.hayobaan.nl


Thanks Phil, but wouldn't it be better to implement this directly into ExifTool? ImageSize should return the size of the RAW and not of the embedded preview in my opinion.
Otherwise we start building special cases for every second camera in the different applications...

Hayo Baan

Actually it was me (Hayo) that replied, not Phil ;).

I don't think this should be implemented in exifTool. First of all, as you can see the raw image size really isn't the true image size either (so what should exiftool make of it?). And, how about cropped raw files? Here you'd want/need to have exifTool show the info of the cropped result (but then only if the preview in the raw file was updated as is done with e.g., DNG files).

The problem with your RAF files is that Fuji should have embedded a full size image preview not a mini preview (makes me wonder what you can actually preview on the camera. Likely also that mini preview, but then you would be unable to really zoom in and judge critical sharpness...)
Hayo Baan – Photography
Web: www.hayobaan.nl


It's not my RAW file. It from one of my LRTimelapse users. I can tell you that any other camera that my users use, yet delivered the RAW file size for "ImageSize" not the preview size. It seems to be only the fuji that does it wrong. LRTimelapse shows this image size when loading a sequence. This makes it very prominent, thus we would have noticed it.

Hayo Baan

Quote from: gwegner on July 28, 2016, 09:44:02 AM
I can tell you that any other camera that my users use, yet delivered the RAW file size for "ImageSize" not the preview size. It seems to be only the fuji that does it wrong.

Almost all cameras include a full sized preview so I'm not surprised you never saw this issue before...
Hayo Baan – Photography
Web: www.hayobaan.nl

Phil Harvey

The reason for this is that the metadata in a Fuji RAF image is actually stored inside the preview.  For older models the preview was full-sized, so this wasn't much of an issue.  Unfortunately the closest you can get is the RawImageHeight, but then this still doesn't give you the size of the full-sized JPEG since this depends on the development software you use.

There have been issues with raw files of other types too -- mostly due to a variable amount of cropping in the output JPEG images.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).