Feature Request: write QuickTime:Title/Description Tags

Started by steve, November 02, 2017, 07:15:01 PM

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After trying to figure out a somewhat open-standard way to put consistent basic metadata in my video file archive (family home movies), I've accepted that it's not possible because Apple has so completely dominated the space with the quicktime video output of iPhones.  Phil, I've seen your comment on the forums that most QuickTime tags are not writable because the standards are a mess.  I understand that.  But the entire Apple ecosystem (and all the video being made by iPhones), uses just a few QuickTime tags.  And that's become so dominant in the world, that Google photos now parses those tags too, instead of XML...

You've already made QT:CreateDate writable, and Mr. Hayo Baan has written a script to propagate that tag to similar tags used elsewhere in the file.  If you also made just the QT: Title, QT:Description, and QT:Keywords tags writable, exiftool could be used to really organize the video from the apple world (those are the tags used by all the apple programs).  As an additional advantage, DV files (which many of us have archived from the old mini-DV camcorders) can easily be put in a .MOV quicktime container and therefore be tagged the same way.  (MP4 containers can't hold DV.)  QT: GPS tags would be helpful also, but at least getting a simple title and description in Quicktime video files would be a huge add'l capability for exiftool.

Thanks for considering!

Phil Harvey

The QT date/time tags are writable, but you can't add them if they don't exist, and their length doesn't change, so they are a simpler problem.  But I hear you, and would really like to add this ability if I can.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).