Get ImageWidth and Height from Metadata to EXIF

Started by moltisanti, March 23, 2018, 09:30:41 AM

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I have a folder with subfolders containing multiple images. Most of them already have Geotags, but for some GPS was turned off, so there is no EXIF.
From a csv-file I already managed to write Long/Lat-Values in EXIF with exiftool.

To being able to upload them as .kml/.kmz with an attached PopUp-Image I found out the EXIF also needs to include ImageWidth and ImageHeight (otherwise Scripts or Programms like Mapollage just process the files with the regular EXIF). In their Metadata (f.ex. if I open Properties in Windows Explorer) the Images without EXIF have values for their size, f.ex. Width: 1400, Height: 1080.

Is there a way to copy/write these values from the General Metadata in the EXIF with the help of exiftool (f.ex. by creating tags)? 

I'm not very experienced in programming so I didn't find a suitable script to do is automatically.

Thanks already for the help!


Try the command in this post,2088.msg9169.html#msg9169
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype


Worked perfectly! Thank you very much for the quick help!