Can't write EXIF nor XMP GPS data

Started by krystiano, August 23, 2018, 01:25:01 PM

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Hi all,

As it is my first post here I would like to thanks Phil for such a great thing as exiftool. I'm using it for some time and didn't have any problems since today. I believe that my problem is trivial however I cannot write any GPS tag into EXIF nor XMP group.

For instance this command:
exiftool -EXIF:GPSLongitude="11.11" nikon.JPG

Prints that "1 image files updated", but after displaying tags from EXIF group by:
exiftool -G -EXIF:all nikon.JPG | grep GPS
I cannot see newly "set" value.

I tried:
1. Copying GPS data from composite tags.
2. Copying GPS data directly from GPS-group tags.
3. Copy GPS tags using args file from github.
...and more combinations.

What am I doing wrong? Any ideas? How can I debug it?

Thanks in advance for help :)


exiftool -G -a -s -gps* nikon.JPG

If exiftool says that it updated something, then it's been updated.  No need to grep through exiftool output, just ask for what you want.  In this case, all tags that start with gps (case insensitive). 
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).

Alan Clifford

Stuff missing
exiftool   -s -G -exif:gps* p340_0230.jpg
[EXIF]          GPSVersionID                    :
[EXIF]          GPSAltitudeRef                  : Above Sea Level
[EXIF]          GPSTimeStamp                    : 16:06:41
[EXIF]          GPSDateStamp                    : 2016:07:05

-a makes it appear
exiftool  -a -s -G -exif:gps* p340_0230.jpg
[EXIF]          GPSVersionID                    :
[EXIF]          GPSLatitudeRef                  : North
[EXIF]          GPSLatitude                     : 40 deg 51' 5.37"
[EXIF]          GPSLongitudeRef                 : East
[EXIF]          GPSLongitude                    : 14 deg 15' 54.00"
[EXIF]          GPSAltitudeRef                  : Above Sea Level
[EXIF]          GPSAltitude                     : 19.24717999 m
[EXIF]          GPSTimeStamp                    : 16:06:41
[EXIF]          GPSDateStamp                    : 2016:07:05

But why?

exiftool  -a -s -G -gps* p340_0230.jpg
[EXIF]          GPSVersionID                    :
[EXIF]          GPSLatitudeRef                  : North
[EXIF]          GPSLatitude                     : 40 deg 51' 5.37"
[EXIF]          GPSLongitudeRef                 : East
[EXIF]          GPSLongitude                    : 14 deg 15' 54.00"
[EXIF]          GPSAltitudeRef                  : Above Sea Level
[EXIF]          GPSAltitude                     : 19.24717999 m
[EXIF]          GPSTimeStamp                    : 16:06:41
[EXIF]          GPSDateStamp                    : 2016:07:05
[XMP]           GPSAltitude                     : 19.2471799901913 m
[XMP]           GPSAltitudeRef                  : Above Sea Level
[XMP]           GPSLatitude                     : 40 deg 51' 5.37" N
[XMP]           GPSLongitude                    : 14 deg 15' 54.00" E
[XMP]           GPSDateTime                     : 2016:07:05 16:06:41
[Composite]     GPSAltitude                     : 19.2 m Above Sea Level
[Composite]     GPSDateTime                     : 2016:07:05 16:06:41Z
[Composite]     GPSLatitude                     : 40 deg 51' 5.37" N
[Composite]     GPSLatitudeRef                  : North
[Composite]     GPSLongitude                    : 14 deg 15' 54.00" E
[Composite]     GPSLongitudeRef                 : East
[Composite]     GPSPosition                     : 40 deg 51' 5.37" N, 14 deg 15' 54.00" E

I've found this behaviour a tad anomalous - even though exif:gps* was specified, some exif:gps stuff was hidden by other tags of the same name.  I always use -a and usually use -G as well.

@krystiano, a command I often use is
exiftool -a -G p340_0230.jpg | less -i


See FAQ #3, paragraph 3.  This situation is specifically addressed there. 
* Did you read FAQ #3 and use the command listed there?
* Please use the Code button for exiftool code/output.
* Please include your OS, Exiftool version, and type of file you're processing (MP4, JPG, etc).


Thank you guys for extremely fast and helpful responses. Indeed adding -a param in console printed everything that I need. Thanks one more time :)