Extracting only keywords from lot of source files

Started by Jom, December 18, 2019, 12:17:42 AM

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Hi there.
How to extracting only keywords from lot of source files to one text file without both tag names and filenames, only list of keywords without their duplicates.


Exiftool can't do this by itself because it processes each file independently of the others.

The basic command to get all the keywords listed one after the other would be (see third paragraph under the -sep option)
exiftool -sep "\n" -sep "\n" -b /path/to/files

On linux (and mac?), you could do this to remove duplicates
exiftool -sep "\n" -sep "\n" -b /path/to/files | sort | uniq

You can install GNU utilities for Win32 to get access to various unix commands on Windows, including sort and uniq.

Powershell has some cmdlet that can replicate this behavior (see this SuperUser answer) but you have to remember that PS will corrupt binary output when using redirection or piping.

And using some sort of script is always an option.  For example, any time I need to get a unique list of items, I copy the list to the clipboard and run a small AutoIt3 script that grabs the clipboard, removes duplicates, and puts the results back on the clipboard.
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype


I have not been able to deal with your suggestion, however the requirement to remove duplicates can be eliminated.
The main thing is that all keywords are will be in one file.
It is not necessary to format the list of keywords, they should be in their original form according to how they stored in the metadata.

Phil Harvey

This command will put all Keywords into a .txt file (one keyword per line):

exiftool -keywords -sep "\n" -sep "\n" DIR > out.txt

If you want to also remove duplicates, on Mac/Linux you can do this:

exiftool -keywords -sep "\n" -sep "\n" DIR | sort | uniq > out.txt

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


exiftool -keywords -sep "\n" -sep ", " . > out.txt
Error: File is empty - ./out.txt

But file not empty

======== ./20191106_135630_CanonEOS600D_163066096287_100_0766.jpg
Keywords                        : drill, bit, wood, tool, hole, power, metal, work, macro, industry, home, carpentry, background, diy, steel, set, workshop, woodworking, twist, spiral, screw, repair, woodworker, woodwork, twisted, timber, technology, make, instrument, equipment, drillbit, different, cutting, craft, black, closeup, size, drilling, isolated, white

Why does he write that the file is empty?
How to get a clean list without file name and tag name?
Only like this:

drill, bit, wood, tool, hole, power, metal, work, macro, industry, home, carpentry, background, diy, steel, set, workshop, woodworking, twist, spiral, screw, repair, woodworker, woodwork, twisted, timber, technology, make, instrument, equipment, drillbit, different, cutting, craft, black, closeup, size, drilling, isolated, white

Phil Harvey

You can ignore the "File is empty" message.  It was empty when ExifTool ran on the file, because it was being written as ExifTool was running.

Ooops.  I forgot the -b option. Add this to get a clean output file:

exiftool -keywords -sep "\n" -sep "\n" -b --ext txt DIR > out.txt

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


This code does what I need:

exiftool -keywords -b -sep ", " -sep "," . > keywords.txt

drill, bit, wood, tool, hole, power, metal, work, macro, industry, home, carpentry, background, diy, steel, set, workshop, woodworking, twist, spiral, screw, repair, woodworker, woodwork, twisted, timber, technology, make, instrument, equipment, drillbit, different, cutting, craft, black, closeup, size, drilling, isolated, white,drill, bit, wood, tools, hole, power, metal, work, macro, industry, home, carpentry, background, diy, steel, set, workshop, woodworking, twist, spiral,

Thanks Phill, thanks StarGeek.

The last comma probably can't be removed?

Phil Harvey

The final terminator is specified by the second -sep option.  There is no way around this.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).
