dashcam GPS latitude/longitude wrong

Started by Martin314, February 19, 2020, 02:22:10 PM

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I'm trying to extract GPS info from an MP4 file created by a dash cam using the -ee option.  The date/time, speed, and track are all correct.  However, the latitude and longitude are wrong.

At first I thought it was a simple scaling issue, so I divided the latitude and longitude as reported by the dashcam viewer software (which looks correct) by the values reported by exiftool.  But when I use these values to multiply subsequent GPS positions, the results don't match.  Instead, I would need to constantly adjust the divisor by some unknown amount.

I read a couple of other threads on dashcam GPS here, one in which it was mention that there was a bug fix. I'm using version 11.86 which has that fix.  The newer versions seem to have slightly different GPS values, but both are still way off.  To give an example of scale, to get a value close to the correct one I need to multiple the reported latitude by a value close to 9.65, and the longitude by a value close to 4.58.  But the required multiplier appears to change on the order of 0.0001 per second.  This means that the calculated coordinates are skewing away from the correct location by over 20 feet per second!

Is it possible that exiftool is extracting the value wrong?  Or are dashcams known for using difficultly obfuscated coordinate mappings?


I'm wondering if maybe it's just a matter of endian order or wrong data type (e.g. different length floating point or something) since everything else seems to be correct and the Lat/Lon do seem to track, just wrong.


"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype


What format?  I was thinking it would be ideal if I could just strip out the metadata, so I don't have a couple hundred megabyte file.  Otherwise, I'll have to make a special test where I just record a few seconds to make the file a manageable size.


Phil would have to see the actual file to figure out what's happening.  Take a short video with some movement so it can get different gps coordinates.  Dropbox or Google drive would be a good place to upload the file temporarily.  Or Phil may ask you to email it to him.
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype


Well I have made some progress... using the verbose option I was able to see the exact bytes of data being interpreted, and comparing GPS samples in which either the latitude or longitude didn't change between samples I was able to identify the exact 4 bytes for each.

exiftool is treating both as a 32-bit float (IEEE-754) which it then interprets as DDDMM.MMMM (it says this at line 1204 of QuickTimeStream.pl).

I haven't figured out exactly how these values are *actually* encoded.  Whether by coincidence or not, it appears (for the limited samples I have looked at) that the difference between two latitudes in binary is exactly 1 binary value per 0.00001 decimal degree, but for longitude it is closer to 0.00012.  This is treating lat and lon as 32-bit floats encoded Little Endian, e.g. LSB first.  What would be more helpful is if I had widely varying GPS coordinates to examine (mine are all within a few miles of each other), otherwise I can work out some weird correspondence which has a low error rate for my samples (for instance, subtracting off a huge number) but most likely this would be totally wrong and would be obvious for GPS samples far apart.

For what it's worth, the dashcam I have is the Rexing V1 (3rd generation)... it has the freeGPS header, and gets parsed in the last else of  ProcessFreeGPS().  Just to see what it would do, I tried forcing it to be parsed by all the prior clauses and none of them did as good.

Phil Harvey

If you send me a sample I will add support for this.  If you can upload a full video somewhere I'll download it.  Then email me the link (philharvey66 at gmail.com).  If you make a short video, be sure you are moving, and it is best if you go around a corner so I can decode things like GPSTrack and GPSSpeed.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thanks Phil!  I'm not sure providing a file is necessary at this time.

I found FAQ #3 at https://dashcamviewer.com/faq/ which mentions that there is a "secret" encoding used for Latitude and Longitude.  Everything is know except for that part - although it might be useful to detect whether or not that encoding is in use (if detectable at all - there could also be a command line switch provided).

I have been mapping binary values to actual latitude/longitudes.  So far I know the representation of 0 for each, and various ranges in which the numbers seem to do different things.  I can share this here or by e-mail if you think this will help decode the scheme being used.

Phil Harvey

If I had a sample I should be able to find something unique in the metadata that I could use to determine whether or not this scaling should be applied.

But are you saying the factor is different for different files?  If so, I may be able to figure this out too, but I will need more samples in this case.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Well as all other fields are properly decoded, my main concern is decoding the latitude/longitude.  Even if it's just a special "use proprietary encoding" flag I would be fine with that.

I am attaching a small CSV file mapping around 200 raw values logged in the file versus the actual latitude and longitude (as reported by the "player program" which knows how to decode them) for those values.  There are three columns - the first is the raw 32-bit value in the file, the second is what latitude this represents when it's in the latitude field, and the third is what longitude this value represents when it's in the longitude field.  I haven't provided the value for both latitude and longitude for all values, as in many cases the value would be out of range anyway.   I have probed the entire range in the hopes that some clue could be obtained at the extreme values.

There is just a narrow region of 32-bit values that are actually valid GPS coordinates, and the same value doesn't correspond to the same latitude and longitude - for some reason the encoding is different.  I have found a few patterns - for instance, up near the top of the range there are some encodings which in which the output value is obtained by merely taking the negative value of the exponent (in IEEE-754 format) e.g. so I *think* they are floats, but in other regions the mapping makes no sense to me.   Care to take a look?

If you need any more data points, if you provide me with a list of input values I can tell you what latitude or longitude each value represents.

Phil Harvey

What I really need is the original video
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


So I guess I'm on my own for the actual decoding of latitude/longitude?

Phil Harvey

I think were living on different planes of existence.

I'm offering to help, but I need a sample.
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


I uploaded a sample of 200 raw values and the corresponding latitude/longitude where applicable.  That should be enough (or a start) to decoding lat/on.    Everything besides the wonky lat/lon (aside from possible some way to identify if the wonky scheme is in use) is identical to what exiftool expects, and is properly decoded.  So I think the only thing you would need an actual video file for is to figure out that identification.   I don't have a short video file yet, I haven't had a chance to make one - it will require that I specifically find a spot where I can stop the automatic recording and then record a short segment. (Really more the remembering to do this when I'm driving, which isn't every day.)  So if these raw values aren't enough to take a crack at lat/lon then I guess I'm on my own for that part.  ::)

Anyway, I think I may have the longitude cracked, or at least a formula that is pretty close - probably because the range of values doesn't happen to straddle a floating point boundary.  Specifically, it seems that:
Actual Longitude = (Raw_Longitude - 1474560) * 0.000122070312

I have no idea what the significance of those two constants might be...

For latitude the distance between adjacent raw values doesn't correspond to a constant offset across the 0-90 degree range.  Understanding that might lead to a slightly more accurate longitude value also.

Phil Harvey

I have never seen a funny scaling like this in GPS coordinates.  Looking at your CSV file doesn't help much because the values are so disjoint, and I can't see how they increment as they would when an object is moving.

What I have seen in the past are:

1. binary values that are xor'd with some random value before being stored

2. binary values stored as 4-byte or 8-byte IEEE floating point, in either DD.DDDDD or DDMM.MMMMM format

3. 4 or 8 byte integer values stored as DD.DDDDD * 1000000 or DDMM.MMMMM * 1000000, and possibly scaled by 256/360 or some other degrees->byte conversion.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).