cant run exiftools from command line

Started by oded_samuel, April 08, 2020, 08:08:08 AM

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hello  and thank you for this  tool  that seems to be a good start for my small poject.

my problem  :-   windows 10  command line does not recognize exiftools.exe  as an executable file.
i am trying to run in from within the directory  (program files (86)/exiftools/exiftools.exe)    itsellf   and get :-  "exiftools is not recognized as an internal or external command     etc.   etc.)

have i missed something with file permissions  setup of windows ?


Phil Harvey

Hi oded,

Did you rename the distributed "exiftool(-k).exe" file to "exiftool.exe"?  And what directory did you put it in?

Try cd-ing to that directory and typing "dir" to be sure you have the correct file name (and not "exiftool.exe.exe" for example).  Then type "exiftool" in that directory and it should run "exiftool.exe".

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


thank you.
managed to run it.(silly me.)
i struggle now to fill in the right tags  to start seeing it actually .
