Batch Changing Metadata with CSV File

Started by instatron89, July 13, 2020, 04:46:49 PM

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I'm brand new to ExifTool and I'm incredibly excited by the potential here. I have an easy (or what I think is easy) use case.

Let's say I have a folder with 300 TIFF files. I'm wanting to batch change the following tags (fields?) for each file with unique entries within a CSV file: CreateDate, DateTimeOriginal, Description.

Any advice on where to begin figuring out how to do this?

Thanks a ton for your time.


For the details, see the -csv option and FAQ #26.

For the requirements you list, you want to make a CSV file with the following headers


SourceFile is that path to the file.  It can be either relative to the directory you are running the command from or the absolute path.  Fill out the other data as needed.  See FAQ #5 for details on how to format the time stamps.

Once that is done, then your command would be this.  Test it out first to make sure it's doing what you want.
exiftool -csv=/path/to/file.csv /path/to/files/

If the files are in subdirectories, then you will need to add the -r (-recurse) option

This command creates backup files.  Add -Overwrite_Original to suppress the creation of backup files.
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype


This is fantastic! Really appreciate the quick help. I'll give it a go and see if I can make it happen.