Help with Moving files as they are processed to a new folder

Started by jawa78, February 03, 2022, 10:01:44 AM

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So I am doing a few things all together and  only having issues with moving files to folder called in this example destinationc.   This is running on debian linux and it to helpe prep files before they go into my local DAM tool

exiftool -config /metadataimport/DirTree.config "-keywords+<DirTree" -tagsfromfile /metadataimport/metadata/MJA/MJA2/2022/MJA2_01.xmp -xmp:all -r -ext mov -ext mp4 -ext jpg -ext jpeg -ext nef -ext cr2 -ext cr3 -ext pdf -d '/media/_robtest/destinationc/' -@ /home/rob/test.txt  -overwrite_original

So first I have it I want ti to read the directory structure and turn it into keywords ,  then I have it apply set of metadata xmp tags from the vent in question  apply it pretty much ever format that we might use for that event.  Move the stuff to folder /media/_robtest/destinationc/.  and my sourth path be a number of directories in a text file called test.txt and to overwrite the original so it moves instead of copies . 

Everything works but the moving to destinationc folder I am clearly doing something wrong so any input would be appericated.

Phil Harvey

The -d option is for specifying a date/time format.   To write the output files to a different directory, use the -o option.

exiftool -config /metadataimport/DirTree.config "-keywords+<DirTree" -tagsfromfile /metadataimport/metadata/MJA/MJA2/2022/MJA2_01.xmp -xmp:all -r -ext mov -ext mp4 -ext jpg -ext jpeg -ext nef -ext cr2 -ext cr3 -ext pdf -o '/media/_robtest/destinationc/' -@ /home/rob/test.txt  -overwrite_original

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Thank you Phil,  that fixed it in less than a second.   I think that is where I turned around all the examples I found where people trying to also move to directories based on date.