Changing D70s to D70 with ExifTool

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[Originally posted by gallet on 2005-06-24 21:21:17-07]


I'm new to all this command line stuff. But I've downloaded ExifTool5.35 and I have managed to get terminal to display the metadata in a NEF file.

However I want to change the model name from  D70s to D70 but I'm not sure what commands to enter to do this. I've looked through the html files but I've not been able to find out how to do this yet

Any help appreciated.


[Originally posted by gallet on 2005-06-25 04:10:00-07]

I've been grappling with the commands but I am finding it difficult to decipher. What I'm wanting to do is replace 'D70s' in the meta camara info with 'D70'. I cannot work out the correct sequence of commands to do this.


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2005-06-25 14:37:22-07]

To change the model name to "NIKON D70", you would type:

exiftool -model="NIKON D70" image.jpg

Did you read the FAQ?  It suggests running "exiftool -S" to show the tag names for all information.  Figuring out the tag name to use is the hardest part when you are writing new information.


[Originally posted by gallet on 2005-06-26 03:58:07-07]

Yes I've read the FAQ's and I almost got it right.

I had trouble finding the required '-model' option. When I extracted the meta info with -g I could just find 'Camera Model Name : NIKON D70s'. So I tried that as also 'CameraModelName'

How could I have found out that the correct tag was '-model'?  I printed out a list but that has Model,  Model2 and ModelAndVersion.

I don't follow the instructions for correctly installing ExifTool so that I don't have to change directories before using it.

Note that some MacOS systems don't have the required Perl header files to do the "perl Makefile.PL" step. Instead, you can just copy "exiftool" and the "lib" directory to anywhere in your PATH (type "printenv PATH" in the terminal window to show your PATH directories).

I'm using OSX 10.3.9 and there are two users including me who is the admin. I'm not sure where to place the exiftool app and the Lib folder.  I typed in printenv PATH and got: "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" which doesn't really help me to know where to place the exiftool app. There is a  perl folder in the ~/Library

Another question is: What about the other files in the Image-ExifTool-5.35 folder? What are they for?


[Originally posted by gallet on 2005-06-26 03:58:57-07]

Yes I've read the FAQ's and I almost got it right.

I had trouble finding the required '-model' option. When I extracted the meta info with -g I could just find 'Camera Model Name : NIKON D70s'. So I tried that as also 'CameraModelName'

How could I have found out that the correct tag was '-model'?  I printed out a list but that has Model,  Model2 and ModelAndVersion.

I don't follow the instructions for correctly installing ExifTool so that I don't have to change directories before using it.

Note that some MacOS systems don't have the required Perl header files to do the "perl Makefile.PL" step. Instead, you can just copy "exiftool" and the "lib" directory to anywhere in your PATH (type "printenv PATH" in the terminal window to show your PATH directories).

I'm using OSX 10.3.9 and there are two users including me who is the admin. I'm not sure where to place the exiftool app and the Lib folder.  I typed in printenv PATH and got: "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin" which doesn't really help me to know where to place the exiftool app. There is a  perl folder in the ~/Library

Another question is: What about the other files in the Image-ExifTool-5.35 folder? What are they for?


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2005-06-27 12:13:39-07]

You're right, sorry.  I thought I had put a note about using the -S option in the FAQ.  I'll add that.  The easiest way to determine a tag name is to run "exiftool -S" on a file containing the information you are interested in.

Your path contains /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, and /usr/sbin.  Of these, probably the best place to put exiftool is /usr/bin.  Use the following commands to install ExifTool manually (assuming the 5.35 distribution is on your desktop):

   cd ~/Desktop
    tar -xzf Image-ExifTool-5.35.tar.gz
    cd Image-ExifTool-5.35
    sudo cp -r exiftool lib /usr/bin

The "sudo cp" command above is the one that copies the necessary ExifTool files into your /usr/bin directory.  It will prompt you to enter your password, since this is needed to write into /usr/bin.

Most of the other files in the distribution (most notably everything in the "html" directory), are documentation files.  There are also a number files which are used in various installation processes, and a couple of ".args" files which give the exiftool arguments for converting between IPTC and XMP formats (which you aren't doing, so you can ignore these).  The files in the "t" directory are run to test ExifTool during the "make test" phase of the standard installation, but this won't work for you because you don't have the necessary Perl files to use "make" for Perl installations.


[Originally posted by gallet on 2005-06-29 07:53:37-07]

Thanks for that. I should have seen the -S command but my brain was completely fried by that stage. Being as I am a humble photographer trying to make things work. But it is a useful FAQ.

I put the files in the /usr/bin as instructed and they seemed to go in as it asked for my password and it looked like they got copied. But when I open terminal I still have to change the directory to where exiftool is. At the moment it is sitting in a folder called ExifTool in my home space. So before using it I type in cd ~/ExifTool which is what I used to do before it was installed properly in the /usr/bin. This is not a big deal but I thought once it was installed that I  would not have to specify the exiftool directory.


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2005-06-29 11:52:17-07]

Try it now, it should work.  Tongue

This isn't black magic.  I had forgotten one thing:  After you copy the files into your /usr/bin directory, you need to either open a new terminal window or type "rehash" because the command shell maintains a hash lookup of all files in the PATH directories, and won't find exiftool even though it is in the PATH until it recalculates the hash.


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2005-06-29 15:15:34-07]

Oh wait.

You are running exiftool by typing "exiftool", right?  If you are typing "./exiftool" instead, it will only work if you are in the exiftool directory.

If running "exiftool" doesn't work for you, cut and paste your terminal session so I can see the error messages.  Thanks.


[Originally posted by gallet on 2005-06-29 15:17:23-07]

Still didn't work.

I My ExifTool Folder is still where it was as it should be as the files inside were copied to usr/bin. So I thought there was no harm to keep copying over them. I was asked for my password each time but there was not dialog box telling asking me if I want to overwrite the files but I guess thats because I'm in Terminal.

I tried it a few times when I tried 'rehash' (minus the quotes) I was told that it was not a command.

Let me get this clear. If it worked OK then I should be able to just open Terminal and type in
"./exiftool ~/Desktop 1.nef"  and get a printout of the file 1.nef which is on the desktop, yes?


[Originally posted by gallet on 2005-06-29 15:21:09-07]

Sorry cross post.

Yes "exiftool" and not "./exiftool" did the trick. Thanks for your patience and time.


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2005-06-29 15:35:36-07]

Ah, great.   Glad we finally figured this one out.