SetNewValue() Bug or Feature?

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[Originally posted by dougpalmer on 2005-09-09 13:44:59-07]

I think I have found a bug with the SetNewValue function.  Calling:

$exifTool->SetNewValue('Rating', 1);


Tag 'Rating' does not exist

However, calling:


on a file with a rating of 1 returns 1.

Does anyone have a good explanation for this?  Or is it simply a bug?



[Originally posted by exiftool on 2005-09-09 14:04:24-07]

Hi Doug,

There is no pre-defined tag called "Rating", so ExifTool will report that the tag doesn't exist if you try to write it.  If the tag isn't in the documentation, then you can't write it.

The confusion arises because ExifTool will extract information for some tags which are not pre-defined (in the XMP information for example).  It would be useful to know where your "Rating" tag is found (run "exiftool -G1 -rating FILE" to see what group it is in).  I haven't seen this tag used before.


[Originally posted by dougpalmer on 2005-09-09 14:34:07-07]


The Rating tag is added by Photoshop when you give an image a quality rating.  I use it in my website for categorising images.  I am extracting the data for old images from my database and trying to add it to the original images.

Running "exif -G1 -rating" gives:

[XMP-xmp]       Rating                          : 1



[Originally posted by exiftool on 2005-09-09 15:08:04-07]

Thanks for this information.

I have searched the web for this addition to the basic xmp schema, but can find no reference.  I can (and will) add this new Rating tag (it will appear in version 5.63 when it is released), but it is possible that other tags have been added to the specification and it would be good to add support for these tags as well.  Let me know if you discover any more XMP tags written by Photoshop that aren't documented in the ExifTool XMP Tag names.



[Originally posted by dougpalmer on 2005-09-09 15:16:15-07]


I will look forward to V5.63 and I will let you know if I find any other tags.  I also really appreciate the work you put into supporting Olympus RAW files; there aren't many applications out there that support Olympus RAW.  Even Olympus's own software doesn't show the metadata for 'Extenders'.

Thanks again for all your effort.




[Originally posted by leprish on 2005-09-09 21:35:58-07]

The Rating tag has 5 possible values and there is also a Label tag with another 5 possible values

Contact David Franzen at Adobe for more information or ask at


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2005-09-19 22:43:12-07]

Thanks for this information.  I have contacted David Franzen, but he is making me wait until the new public XMP specification is made available.  Until then, I have added Rating and Label with no restrictions on the values they can take except that Rating must be an integer.  I will tighten the restrictions on these values after I see the new XMP spec.

This change will appear in ExifTool 5.63 which should be released within the week.