Weird 12.89 downloads

Started by Serenity, July 17, 2024, 06:33:38 PM

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Quote from: Phil Harvey on July 21, 2024, 04:55:59 PM"Not commonly downloaded" is sort of true.  Only 3400 downloads/week for the 32-bit version vs 21000 for the 64-bit version.

I got only 5000 downloads per month on my website, and didn't see such problems. Really strange.

Quote from: Phil Harvey on July 21, 2024, 04:55:59 PMFor what it's worth, I ran both versions through the online tester, and they both came up clean.

That's also my experience. The ZIP package is no problem, but the Inno installer triggers a few (1..4) positives, so I send the installers routinely to VT after each build to make them known at least.


Just wanted to apologize for not responding to your #9 posting in this thread.  I was, quite literally, "out in the Arctic ocean" at that point (and for a much longer period of time), and not able to reply.  I do see that the further discussion has provided a variety of options for achieving successful downloads, so I guess that's the most important thing.  Again, I appreciate your responses & help, and I just didn't want you to think that I had ignored your last response to me.
Thanks again for everything you do with this amazing tool.