change camera model

Started by pblasi, October 28, 2024, 02:47:32 AM

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Hi! new to exiftool, so I don't understand a thing, sorry.
I would like to change "camera model" info to several fujifilm raw files in a single batch process.
Is it possible? How? Thanks!


Change the model for multiple named images

exiftool -Model=X-T5 -overwrite_original FFFF0018.JPG FFFF0018.RAF

Change the name for all images in the current folder

exiftool -Model=X-T5 -overwrite_original .

Restrict the change to jpg and raf files in the current folder

exiftool -Model=X-T5 -overwrite_original -ext jpg -ext raf .

you can also change the name of files in a different folder by changing the . at the end to a different folder name

If you don't use the "-overwrite_original" clause it will create copies of the original files with "_original" as a suffix - however its most convenient to just back everything up first so you can restore if things go wrong.


Thanks! I could change "model" value, but it didn't do the trick I was looking for, which is "fooling" Lightroom (for iPad) to get latest Fujifilm Film Simulations from newest cameras when editing raw files from an older model. I tried editing other tags I found the "model" word (FujiModel, Fujimodel2, Version...) but it didn't work neither...  :(. Changing only "model" gives error when importing raw files, and when changing "FujiModel" or "Version" Lightroom still "sees" the real model. Any ideas? Thanks!


Adobe seems to have blocked that method - maybe they check that the sensor matches the film simulations?