Problem with trail camera videos metadata

Started by ermlin, November 26, 2024, 08:58:25 AM

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This is my first time working with metadata. I'm trying to get date & time information from trail camera videos. I'm working with the package camtrapR on R, but it seems there's a problem with the videos (I tried to attach one, but it is too heavy).

> videos <- file.path("~/Desktop/Analisi/Video/") 
> datatime <- recordTable(inDir  = videos,
+                                IDfrom = "directory",
+                                video  = list(file_formats = c("jpg", "mp4"),
+                                              dateTimeTag  = "QuickTime:CreateDate")
+ )
timeZone is not specified. Assuming UTC
A01:      2 images    1 duplicates removed      |=====              |  25%
Error in (function (intable, deltaTimeComparedTo, columnOfInterest, recordDateTimeCol = "DateTimeOriginal",  :
  Could not read any Exif DateTimeOriginal tag at station: A01 Consider checking for corrupted Exif metadata.


Thank you so much,


You can put the video on a file hosting site such as Google Drive or Dropbox and create a share link.

But there may not be much we can do here because any R package has been created by a 3rd party. I don't think any of the regulars here work with R.

The error output seems to be indicating it can't find a DateTimeOriginal tag in the video. But DateTimeOriginal is an uncommon tag for video files.

You can use this command on the command line to view all date/time tags in the video
exiftool -time:all -G1 -a -s file.mp4
"It didn't work" isn't helpful. What was the exact command used and the output.
Read FAQ #3 and use that cmd
Please use the Code button for exiftool output

Please include your OS/Exiftool version/filetype