can't add GPS data into Canon CRW file.

Started by Archive, May 12, 2010, 08:54:05 AM

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[Originally posted by monkeybiz on 2007-05-29 17:57:59-07]

This is on mac os X.

When I run following command in terminal:

exiftool -v3 -GPS:GPSLatitudeRef='N' -GPS:GPSLatitude='34.56' -GPS:GPSLongitudeRef='E' -GPS:GPSLongitude='123.34'  CRW_5398.CRW

It prints out following info:

Writing GPS:GPSLatitudeRef
Writing GPS:GPSLatitude
Writing GPS:GPSLongitudeRef
Writing GPS:GPSLongitude
======== CRW_5398.CRW
Rewriting CRW_5398.CRW...
  Rewriting MakerNotes
  Rewriting ImageProps
  Rewriting MakerNotes
  Rewriting MakerNotes
  Rewriting MakerNotes
  Rewriting MeasuredInfo
  Rewriting ImageDescription
  Rewriting CameraObject
  Rewriting MakerNotes
  Rewriting CameraSpecification
  Rewriting ExifInformation
  Rewriting MakerNotes
  Rewriting MakerNotes
  Rewriting MakerNotes
  Rewriting MakerNotes
  Rewriting MakerNotes
  Rewriting MakerNotes
  Rewriting MakerNotes
    0 image files updated
    1 image files unchanged

However, no GPS info was showed up if I use exiftool to inspect it. And the timestamp of the file has never changed.

Did I miss something?


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-05-29 18:12:08-07]

Unfortunately, CRW images don't support GPS information.  (If
you missed anything, it was that there are no GPS tags in the
tag list
, but there are enough links to other pages that
determining this could be rather difficult.)

So for CRW images, you have to write the GPS information to a
sidecar XMP file.

exiftool -v3 -XMP:GPSLatitude='34.56N' -XMP:GPSLongitude='123.34E' CRW_5398.xmp

Some applications will look for this sidecar
file and use its information if available.

- Phil


[Originally posted by monkeybiz on 2007-05-29 18:46:19-07]

Thanks. Phil.

Now, please give me an exif 101. I saw tag "ExifInformation" in the CRW tag list. What is that for? Aren't there some GPS tags defined in EXIF standard?


[Originally posted by exiftool on 2007-05-29 22:49:53-07]

Ah, OK.  Yes, I did name this directory ExifInformation...  I can see how
this could be misleading.

The CRW ExifInformation directory doesn't store EXIF-format information.
I used the name ExifInformation because much of the EXIF information in
a JPEG image comes from this directory when the CRW is converted to a
JPEG.  (The mapping from CRW tags to EXIF tags is documented in my
file format documentation
.)  Note that the tags contained in the
ExifInformation directory are still
, and not

Sorry about the confusion.

- Phil