Copy files and messages

Started by jsetsaas, July 27, 2010, 10:09:05 AM

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When I'm copying files using EXIFTOOL, i can force the name output using the -v0 option.

exiftool -v0 -o c:\usrn\diatest\dest\noexif\ "-FileName<CreateDate" -d "c:\usrn\diatest\dest\%Y\%Y.%m\%Y.%m.%d@%H.%M.%S-%%c-JES.%%e" c:\usrn\diatest\src

The output (to be parsed by my app) looks like this.
======== c:/usrn/diatest/src/2010.07.24@07.50.12-0-jes.ARW
Nothing changed in c:/usrn/diatest/src/2010.07.24@07.50.12-0-jes.ARW
======== c:/usrn/diatest/src/2010.07.24@07.50.12-1-jes.ARW
Nothing changed in c:/usrn/diatest/src/2010.07.24@07.50.12-1-jes.ARW
======== c:/usrn/diatest/src/248079_l_srgb_s_gl.jpg
Nothing changed in c:/usrn/diatest/src/248079_l_srgb_s_gl.jpg

However, there is no way to to detect whether a file is missing the CreateDate (and the file being copied to the noExif folder).
Any idea how to detect this difference (without having to check this on all files, as this would be a performance issue).

Best regards


Phil Harvey

If you use -v instead of -v0, the output will include the new file name.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).