copying tags inside file

Started by kristopulo, October 03, 2010, 07:34:45 PM

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hi all,
I discovered your software 3days ago but after trying almost all possible commands I am close to give up.

My camera -panasonic tz10 produce 5more tags than others. They are named:
0x0067    Location    
0x0069    Country    
0x006b    State    
0x006d    City    
0x006f    Landmark
unfortunately these tags are unvisible for all graphic viewers :(

What I thought: could be not so bad if I could copy these tags to their "brothers" at IPTC area because that will make them visible for viewers and allow to do nice slideshows with valuable informations.

Unfortunately till now I found only command
exiftool -tagsfromfile 2.jpg -city 2.jpg -IPTC:city
which is working very well however I`ve got +1000pictures and typing command for every single photo makes me sick;)
Is it possible to adapt this command to whole folder?
Why the other command:
exiftool -tagsfromfile 2.jpg -country 2.jpg -IPTC:country   
is not working at all? Even typing full name   -IPTC:Country-PrimaryLocationCode  did not help.

have a nice week

Phil Harvey

It sounds like what you want is something like this:

exiftool "iptc:sub-location<location" "-iptc:country-primarylocationname<country" "-iptc:province-state<state" "-iptc:city<city" "-iptc:keywords<landmark" DIR

Where DIR is the name of a directory containing the images.

- Phil
...where DIR is the name of a directory/folder containing the images.  On Mac/Linux/PowerShell, use single quotes (') instead of double quotes (") around arguments containing a dollar sign ($).


Yes, indeed. I tried more than 100 different command combinations but always used just DIR(because of same location for software and photos) instead of c:/photos :D stupid me:)
Thank you Phil Harvey !